Friday 10 April 2015

April 10, 2015 - Card of the Day

Good Morning My Divine Friends! 

Card of the Day ~Orange~ {Creativity – Change} This Card is encouraging you to express your creativity. Discover hidden talents. Make some positive changes in your life. Orange resonates with the sacral chakra, which is related to the energy of optimism and confidence; change; the social sphere, including family and society; and creative expression such as singing and dancing. This card asks you to explore pleasurable activities. What attracts or repels you? 

Orange is calling for you to free your sensuality. Allow yourself to feel desirable. Fully awaken to this moment of sensations and emotions. Enjoy your journey. Transform the mundane into something special. By doing so, you open up a whole new perspective on your daily life. Let go of your judgments. Perhaps your experience of pleasure is imbalanced. This is usually manifested through jealousy or losing yourself in drugs, alcohol, food, or sex. Balance yourself with creative outlets. Allow yourself to appreciate beauty. Delight in it. Know that you will attract that which you need for your highest good. Archangels Metatron, Uriel, Gabriel, Raguel, Jophiel, and Sandalphon are associated with this symbol. 

Let your fear go of what people will think of you if you express your divine creativity. You are free to be you now and forever! I pray you have a fantastic day. I love you all! 

Peace & Love 

~Tina Starkey~ 
Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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