Monday 3 February 2014

February 3 2014 - Card of the Day

Good Morning My Divine Friends!

First Card of the Day ~Spiritual Growth~ You are going through a time of rapid spiritual growth. Enjoy the process! During this time, you may feel a mixture of many feelings: confusion, excitement, fear and wonder. You love your renewed connection with the Divine, and you wish you could read, study, learn, or meditate on a fulltime basis! Simultaneously, though, you may worry about the implications that your spiritual studies will have on the rest of your life. What impact will your new spiritual pursuits have on your job, marriage, or friendships? These worries create a fear that may erode the enjoyment your spiritual studies bring you. Surrender these fears to God, dearest one! Trust that you are supported, loved, and guided each moment. Don’t worry about how your future will blend with your spiritual growth! Trust that the same Power that brought you to your spiritual path will also take care of everything else for you. After all, this Power supports all of the planets in the sky. It will surely support you perfectly, too.

Second Card of the Day ~Forgiveness~ Let go of anger and resentment, and feel yourself healed. You don’t need to forgive the action, just the person-so that you can be at peace. By this card jumping out of the deck, your angels guide you to release anger and irritation. They realize that you may be perfectly justified in feeling angry. Yet, they ask you to look at the high price you pay for being the vessel of anger. Forgiveness does not mean, “What you did is okay to me.” It simply means, “I am no longer willing to carry around pain in response to your actions.” When we hold unforgiveness in our hearts, we only punish ourselves, after all. Your angels will help you release unforgiveness if you will just ask for their assistance.

Also, if you did something wrong or you lied let go of pride or shame. Say, “I’m sorry.” Those words are so powerful and healing. I pray you enjoy your day today. I love you all!

Peace & Love

~Tina Starkey~
Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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