Friday 19 April 2013

April 19, 2013 - Card of the Day

Good Morning My Dear Friends! It would seem we are being blessed once again with two cards from the Angels. You know when you ask them for guidance they are only eager to oblige you with your request. I honestly have to laugh many times because once they give me the guidance I seek I discover it was right in front of my face.
First Card of the Day ~Patience~ Now is the time to learn, study, and gather information. Enjoy being a student, because in the future, you will synthesize your knowledge into action. Now this card doesn’t necessarily mean you actually need to go to school. It means to sit back and learn from others, research online, reading a book and talking to the professionals before you take action.
Second Card of the Day ~Sonya~ I bring you a message from your deceased loved one: “I am happy, at peace, and I love you very much. Please don’t worry about me.” It’s only normal for us to wonder if our loved ones crossed over and if they were okay. Let me tell you one thing that will put your heart at ease. Everybody no matter who they are have a Guardian Angel whom is with you from the time of your birth till the time they deliver you back into God’s arms. When I do readings and a spirit of a loved one comes forward they always have this Divine heavenly light surrounding them which; means their Guardian Angel is surrounding them. Do yourself and your loved ones a favour and enjoy your life. They want you to be happy, your angels want you to be happy and of course so does God (or your understanding of a higher power.)
I pray you enjoy your day my friends. I love you all!
Peace & Love
~Tina Starkey~
Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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