Sunday 3 March 2013

March 3, 2013 - Card of the Day

Good Morning Dear Friends! One of the top things that had always been important to me since I was a child was the ability to help others. I was the little girl that would bring the injured bird home, an injured field mouse or stray dogs and cats. I found that all my friends used to confide in me about their problems or ask me for advice and sometimes I was just there to listen. I wasn’t sure what profession I wanted to be in because one day it was a counsellor the next it was a nurse and then maybe months later it would be a doctor. All I knew for sure in my heart was I wanted to help people.

Card of the Day ~Archangel Raphael~ The healing angel is with you, supporting your healing work. Archangel Raphael is not just for people in the medical field, he is also with each and everyone of us. He answers and guides parents with sick children. He guides us on the proper dietary in-take if we ask. Once you pray always pay attention to the multitude of ways your pray will be answered. For example: If you pray to Archangel Raphael to help you lose weight listen to his guidance for proper dietary in-take, drink more water and cut the soda pop out. Eat fresh vegetables, fruit, grains, nuts and fish. Make sure you exercise like going for walks, bike riding or swimming. He is not going to snap his fingers and bam you’re thin. You have to do the work. We can also boost up our immune system with natural remedies, vitamins, lemon water which; packs a lot of vitamin C. I discovered that medication isn’t always the best thing for us. In fact a lot of the medication I was on was seriously harming me. I encourage you to call on Archangel Raphael whenever you need help for your own health or if you are praying for someone else. Please consult your doctor first before coming off any medication.

I pray you all are enjoying your weekend. I love you all!

Peace & Love

~Tina Starkey~

Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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