Wednesday 1 October 2014

October 1, 2014 - Card of the Day

Good Morning My Divine Friends! 

Card of the Day ~Divine Intervention~ This card indicates that your prayers have been heard and answered! The angels are working behind the scenes to effect the miracle you’ve requested. Stay filled with faith and trust, as it is being rewarded. Please remember that the how and when of Divine intervention usually occurs in surprising ways, so your prayer will likely be answered in an unexpected manner, yet in a way that brings blessings to everyone involved. 

~Prayer: Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for being with [Name of person in need] and for helping with [describe the situation]. I have faith in Divine intervention, and I fully accept your guidance now.~

 I want you to know that the Angels hear your every prayer and act on it immediately however; that doesn’t mean that the result will be immediate. It all depends on each and every situation. Learn from every situation or ask the Angels to help you understand the lesson in each situation. Please lift your vibration away from thinking that you are in a situation because you are meant to suffer because that simply isn’t true. Keep your thoughts on high and if you find your thoughts sinking back down to negative ask the Angels for help. May you all have a blessed day. I love you all! 

Peace & Love 

~Tina Starkey~ 
Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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