Wednesday 18 June 2014

June 18, 2014 - Card of the Day

Good Morning My Divine Friends!

Card of the Day ~Bathroom~ {Cleanse – Clarify } This card calls for you to release burdens and cleanse yourself of toxins. The bathroom is a private place that allows you to wash up and get prepped. It could be time to cleanse your habits. Perhaps you’re transferring all of your junk onto others, or they are unburdening theirs on you. Pay attention to feelings you might be harboring inside. It is time to release them. But take care not to unload them onto someone else. This card also represents clarification. When you rid yourself of unwanted attitudes and feelings, you become more grounded. Your focus becomes sharper, and your mind clears out clutter. You need to spend time tending to your mental, emotional, and physical cleansing process. You are in need of self-care.

Allow yourself to release toxic energy. We all harbour some form of toxic energy from a relationship, from family, work or friends. Holding onto this energy is only harming you so now take the time to release it. Write it down in a journal why something is making you feel so angry, hurt or irritated. Trust me once you start to get it out on paper or computer it just starts to flow out. Allow the tears to come forward because this also is healing for you. After releasing this toxic energy you may feel like you need a nap and by all means take one because what you achieved was hard work. May you all have a spiritual uplifting day. I love you all!

Peace & Love

~Tina Starkey~
Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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