Sunday 29 December 2013

December 29, 2013 - Card of the Day

Good Morning My Divine Friends!

Card of the Day ~YES!~ The answer to your question is YES! You probably already knew this, and Archangel Raphael wishes to validate your intuitive feelings. This card is a talisman to help you deal with current situations and prepare for the future. Sometimes the greatest gift you can receive is knowing what to expect next. Raphael reminds you that everything can change in even more positive directions, so stay open to your intuitive wisdom, which will guide you along the way.

~Prayer: Dear Archangel Raphael, please help me trust my feelings as the accurate barometer of truth.~

This card is referring to the question you have had on your mind and you kinda felt you knew the answer but you doubted yourself.  Archangel Raphael helps you to bring forth the positive in every situation. Keep creating your dreams with positive thoughts my friends. I pray you have a wonderful day. I love you all!

Peace & Love

~Tina Starkey~
Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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