Tuesday 3 September 2013

September 3, 2013 - Card of the Day

Good Morning My Divine Friends!

Card of the Day ~Compassion~ Archangel Zadkiel: Soften your heart with respect to this situation, and all the people involved, including yourself. I can help you forgive yourself and others, or to compassionately see everyone’s point of view. You needn’t change your stance or behavior. It simply means approaching the situation with a loving heart, which empowers you and allows creative solutions to pour forth.

I know often it’s difficult to see the other side of the coin however; if you do step out of your shoes to see what’s going on with the other person you may have a change of heart. I’ve always had the ability to see both sides of the coin (everybody’s point of view) which; has enabled me to have a better understanding of the situation. Give it try, I’m sure you will be grateful when you find out that person you were about to blast with anger just lost a loved one or perhaps they found out they have a horrible illness. We don’t know what other people are going through unless we ask. There are more scenarios to every situation then the one you can see. Walk in life with only love in your heart. Have a fantastic day my friends. I love you all!

Peace & Love

~Tina Starkey~
Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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