Friday 8 March 2013

March 8, 2013 - Card of the Day

Good Morning Dear Friends! So many people feel down about them selves and really don’t think they are important at all. Things like “Why would I get the job, I don’t have special qualities? Or I’m fat and ugly so why would anybody want to love me? Guidance has come in the form of the card of the day.

Card of the day ~Self-Acceptance~ You are a perfect child of God, and every part of you is wonderful. Your angels guide you to let go of negative self-judgments and to enjoy being you! You are much too hard on yourself, your angels say to you through this card. Although you enjoy having high standards, it’s important to view yourself through loving eyes. Berating yourself only makes your spirit sink. Self-improvement comes from a positive mind-set.

Although you have made mistakes in the past, there is nothing that you could have ever said, thought, or done that would change God’s love for you! The angels see past your surface mistakes; they see the beating heart of God’s love within you. You are very much loved so start loving yourself the way God and the angels love you.

 Have a great weekend my friends. I love you all!

Peace & Love

~Tina Starkey~
Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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