Monday 18 March 2013

March 18, 2013 - Card of the Day

Good Morning My Dear Friends! Goodness, I finally got to sleep in today and oh how glorious it feels. As I open my eyes the birds greeted me with a song and the sun gently kissed my face. Oh yes, lets not forget my cats jumping on me and my pup giving me lovings. I had to laugh at one of my cats this morning she couldn’t understand why I wasn’t getting out of bed so she kept reaching out with her paw and gently pushing my lips. All animals are beautiful and Divine!

Card of the Day ~Claircognizance~ Archangel Uriel: Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers. I must admit that it took me awhile to train myself to pay attention and not dismiss thoughts and ideas that came to me out of the blue. We are trained as we grow up to think it’s just our imagination however; it really isn’t. As I have trained myself to pay closer attention I’ve noticed answers to questions come easier…it’s wonderful!

Also another thing I use to do is think the answers that came to me were common knowledge and it turns out that it wasn’t. We really can’t afford to assume anything because we may be passing up a divine opportunity. Your thoughts are tuned to high frequencies right now. All great inventions, new Businesses, and teachings stem from this same universal source of wisdom.

 So pay attention to thoughts and ideas for there is the answer you seek. I love you all!

 Peace & Love

 ~Tina Starkey~
Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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