Wednesday 27 February 2013

February 27, 2013 - Card of the Day

Good Morning My Dear Friends! Yesterday was a fabulous day filled with so many opportunities; I can see today will be the same. I’ve learnt how to keep my mind, eyes and ears open to all possibilities and once I learnt how to do that I see so much. Gosh, a long time ago I used to be very closed minded, I had fog before my eyes and earmuffs on my ears. I seen only what I wanted to see not what divine was showing me. I’ve learnt to live in the now and not expect anything to happen in the way I want it too. Life has become easier now that I allow everything to unfold in the way divine sees best for all involved which; gives me more time to enjoy each minute of my life.

Card of the day ~Omega~ Victory! Your desire is coming to fruition. Keep up the good work! You have chosen to follow your Divine guidance, and the Universe is flowing in natural rhythm with your decision. You see what I mean when you release your doubts to Heaven and only pay attention to the strong messages you are feeling you will always be guided to your desired outcome.

 Have a fabulous day. I love you all!

Peace & Light

~Tina Starkey~
Psychic-Medium Metaphysical Counselor

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